The Enneagram

Do you want to know more about your personality? Do you want answers to why you might be doing the same things over and over again?  Do you find yourself searching for patterns and meaning to try and understand yourself and others?  Utilizing the Enneagram, we can help you dive deeper into self-awareness and others-awareness, giving you new insights into yourself and your relationships.

The Enneagram Type Indicator is a dynamic personality assessment that works to pinpoint your compulsive, unconscious drives and how this basic motivation (why you do what you do), formed in childhood, might be influencing your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.  The Enneagram helps to provide an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, healthy and unhealthy behaviors, how you react under stress (and why), and the differences between people. The assessment takes both childhood experiences and natural temperament into account and describes nine different personalities, called “types”.  While no test can fully explain all of who you are, the Enneagram is a powerful tool in gaining personal and relational awareness by better understanding how you view yourself, others, and the world.

We are here to help you navigate the Enneagram as an assessment tool and process the information it produces about you and your relationships. At Known Counseling, we can help you utilize it to its fullest potential to help you understand yourself, gain further clarity within your relationships, and implement your findings into your everyday life.